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Alianza Europea de Iniciativas
para la Antroposofía Aplicada

ELIANT Webinars 2024

This April the ELIANT alliance launched a series of live webinars on the theme "A Culture of Peace".

Episode 1 with Rolf Heine
Humanization of Medicine through Resonance

This first episode features a dialogue between Rolf Heine and Dr. Michaela Glöckler, focusing on the aspect of care in the medical field as impulse for awakening the potential for peace within humanity.

Rolf Heine is the President of the International Council of Anthroposophic Nursing Associations (ICANA) and a trained nurse with more than 30 years experience in the care field. Dr. med. Michaela Glöckler is the Founder and President of the ELIANT Alliance, she is an author, international speaker and a pediatrician.

Click on the visual to watch the video on YouTube:

Humanization of Medicine through Resonance

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